Our 2017 Personal + Professional Goals


2016 was full of goodness for me personally! In looking forward to 2017, my word of the year is steadfastness. Defined, steadfastness means to be sure, constant, unwavering.

Personal Goal:

In a season of life for me that is personally constantly changing, and in cultural climate that is very much changing, my professional goal is to remain steadfast to the things I know I am called to, gifted in, and to the people to whom I've been entrusted (family, children, friends, clients). I'll become a mother for the second time this year, and will celebrate 9 years of marriage - personally praying that I can continue to be steadfast in those roles while (keeping my sanity!) remaining healthy and doing the things that fire me up!

Professional Goal:

Professionally, I'll strive to allow that steadfastness pour forth to my client interactions and relationships - striving to make every client I work with know how much of a value they and their wedding day are to me. I absolutely love my job and feel called to it, and plan on enjoying planning celebrations made of dreams for each couple's wedding day in 2017.


Personal Goal:

Everything....you know house, gym, momness, all the things......maybe I will even vacuum out the car a time or two.

Professional Goal:

I am totally working on my client response time and experience this year - I want all of my "people" to walk away feeling important and catered to! Clients - let me know if I'm hitting this goal with you :)



Personal Goal:

This year, as I say almost every year, is to figure out a better balance. 2016 kind of crept up on us and I felt like my time was just gone all the time. We were growing (which is wonderful!), but it also makes for long work days, brain storming sessions, and putting in place infrastructure and policies to help our planners. It is so tiring. As 2017 is here- it is my goal to be a better time manager. I want to be more present at ballet and gymnastics. I want to play more board games with my husband. I just want to be there when life happens. Who knows if I will figure it out THIS year- let's be real, it will more than likely be my goal for every year until I retire. But hey- it's worth a try!

Professional Goal:

My professional goal is to get a wedding/styled shoot in print in a major magazine. I am not sure which one, but I have a few in mind and a few events in mind that I think are great contenders. There is something surreal about seeing your work in print, in Barnes and Noble!



Personal Goal:

To be more present. In the moment, fully engaged, and less distracted. If I'm with my family, I want to be WITH them 100% and not pulled away by Facebook, or emails or work. And then when I'm working, I want to be there 100% as well and not distracted by other things. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed with trying to wear so many hats at once, but I think by making a decision to be present and focused on the task at hand, I will feel more balanced and able to handle one thing and one day at a time.

Professional Goal:

I want to push myself creatively this year and come up with my own style shoot for Bushel & Peck. I also want to focus on training some other designers so that we have a large team that can successfully execute multiple designs at multiple locations.


Personal Goal:

This one is easy. I would like to purchase my first home. My husband and I are currently looking and hoping to find something soon. We want to find a house that needs a little fixing up and make it our own. I'm so pumped!

Professional Goal:

I am currently lead planner on two weddings in 2017. My professional goal for 2017 is to develop and grow as a lead planner and successfully plan five to six weddings.


Personal Goal: 

Getting married!! This counts as a personal goal, right? My goal is not just to get married though (although that's the main part of it!), but also to throw an amazing party that also happens to be our wedding. We want to have the best time with the people that we love most all while celebrating our love for each other. And being in the industry I know that accomplishing that is no small feat! It takes lots of time and effort, but we couldn't be more excited!

Professional Goal: 

One of the things I want to focus on for 2017, professionally, is becoming more proactive rather than reactive. To me this means focusing on becoming less busy so that I can think ahead and more broadly. Being less busy is always a challenge, but I'm confident that I have the tools and knowledge of how to best manage my time - so let's do this! 


Personal Goal:

My personal goal this year is to become a minimalist! When we moved into our house in March 2013 we had several empty rooms and closets. Now everything seems full including our walk-in attic space! My goal is to get rid of and/or donate everything we do not use or need anymore...one room at a time.

Professional Goal:

My professional goal for 2017 is to gain a better understanding of QuickBooks and our accounting process. I've been the C&D office manager for about 6 months and I feel I have a good understanding of how the accounting and invoicing process works, so I'll be able to make these processes my own this year!


Personal Goal:

Our families word for 2017 is "Open." Open in our home, relationships, hearts, new adventures, experiences, etc..  As many planners (wedding planners and general day-to-day planners), I'm not spontaneous. I follow a schedule and most of the time find a lot of fulfillment in planning and knowing what's going to happen. But for 2017, I've felt a tugging to be more open and available. What does having an Open calendar look like? What will the Lord bring into our lives? Well I don't really know but I'm going to find out in 2017! 

Professional Goal:

As a newer member to the C&D team, I've worked at a ton of venues all over the Triangle. This year, I'm really looking forward to topping off that list with a few additional venues across the Triangle. Maybe even some of the new venues! My goal is to work in at least 4 new venues by the end of the year! I'm excited to get to know their staff and pull off some fun and beautiful events there.