Drum Roll Please!

I am so excited to finally reveal our new logo! It was a concept that we actually have to give credit to Becca for. She really wanted to go with a brand that emphasizes the company as being more than just a C and a D. So we decided to go with a large ampersand to symbolize that our company is so much more than just Courtney and I. I love the inclusive feel it gives.

We also wanted something really clean, simple, and timeless. We all love the more dark, muted colors and gray is my personal favorite color. We settled on the dusty blue and a charcoal gray as our new colors.

Drum roll please...

We are so excited to reveal this new logo and celebrate with you all tomorrow night! If you haven't RSVP'd yet- there is still time! E-mail info@canddevents.com to let us know you will be there! 

All Saints Chapel from 7:30-9:30. Can't wait to celebrate with you!